Transforming how disability and aged care services engage with people to plan and deliver supports


Carrie Hayter writes for diverse audiences to challenge how people work with people who use social care.

Her writing ranges from academic work, opinion pieces for magazines, research and evaluation consulting reports, to ‘how-to’ guides for service providers and people who use social care, to education and training workshops. She writes a range of resources to educate and support people in transforming social care in Australia.

Carrie is currently writing a guide for older people on how to make the most of the funding and supports in the community aged care system in Australia.

Carrie was one of the Associate Editors for the first ever LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care Special issues of the Australasian Journal on Ageing released in November 2015.

She is a contributor to the magazines Community Care ReviewAustralian Ageing Agendas and writes opinion pieces for Aged Care Insite

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