Surviving or Thriving in a Consumer Directed World
This workshop explores how to make your services more consumer directed and to adapt to the changing aged care and disability services landscape. The workshop provides opportunities to explore how to put the people that use services at the centre of the design and delivery of their supports. It also gives participant tools to think strategically about their organisation and how they will thrive and survive in a changing aged care and disability landscape.
Course outline
Workshop participants will:
- reflect on the strategic direction of your organisation or program in the changing aged care and disability service landscape;
- explore how their agency or organisation can become more consumer directed;
- share ideas for redesigning services through engaging service users;
- list strategies to empower people who use services to be active participants in the design and delivery of their supports;
- reflect on how to promote your work through social media;
- reflect on their practice; and
- network with other agencies
What you will get from attending
- An opportunity to reflect on how your service could improve their consumer engagement practice
- Access to practical tools and resources that you can use with your staff, consumers and other key stakeholders
Target audience
This workshop is designed for managers, team leaders, service coordinators and support facilitators and/or case managers.
This workshop can be delivered face to face or online for up to 20 participants.
The workshop can be tailored to the needs of specific individuals and groups.
5 hours face to face or 4 by 1-hour online workshops
In-house Programs
Ask us to run this course for your organisation. Contact us to discuss your requirements, ideas, and attendees.